Sustainable motorcycle gear
As we have already mentioned, the motorcycle gear sector is still quite traditional compared to other industries.
In fashion, for example, materials with less pollutants and with surprising technical qualities are increasingly being introduced. The trend is to replace leather with more sustainable fabrics.
In motorbike clothing, many of these fabrics are not suitable because they are not designed to withstand high levels of abrasion. But this is not to say that there are no synthetic materials that can offer the same or better performance than the body. We have shown that it is perfectly possible.
Our products rival the premium range of other brands, sometimes costing half the price. We don't say that, you can read about it in an article of Return of the Cafe Racers. Both our Neowise jacket and NearX suit exceed the highest level of certification.
Sustainable motorcycle gear
Why is our motorcycle gear more sustainable? Basically (and in short) for two reasons:
1. We do not use leather
According to data provided by Fluence, it takes 1,890,000 litres of water to raise a cow, of which 103,950 litres (5.5%) is attributed to leather. According to their estimates, about 6kg of leather is produced for each animal, i.e. each kilo of leather requires about 17,000 litres of water. This figure is also confirmed by Water Footprint Network.
Therefore, if we take into account that each suit requires about 3kg of leather, we can say that the production of a leather motorbike suit uses about 51,000 litres of water. Whereas the Andromeda NearX suit made of high-strength polyethylene requires only 90 litres. That is 566 times more sustainable.
2. Fewer chemicals are released in the manufacture of our fabrics.
Many people are unaware that chemicals such as chromium are used in leather tanning. So if it is done in non-standardised factories, chemicals can leak into water wells.
The fabrics we use, such as high molecular weight polyethylene, Kevlar or Superfabric are patented fabrics that are rigorously tested and made in factories that comply with regulations.

So why is leather still used in motorbike clothing?
The reason is very simple, and it may surprise you, because throughout our lives we have been led to believe the opposite: leather is cheap.
As you can hear. Leather is a surplus from the meat industry, and millions of animals are slaughtered every day. So there is a lot of leather.
If the big brands continue to use leather, it's because it's good value for money. If they had to make overalls or jackets using fabrics such as high molecular weight polyethylene or Kevlar on 100% of the surface (as we do in our Neowise jacket and Meteor gloves), they would not enjoy incredible profit margins.
Profit margins that they need, because there are intermediaries, such as large distributors and retailers.
And this is one of the reasons why at Andromeda Moto we don't use dealers, and sell everything exclusively online.
As we have said many times before, we are determined to be part of the change. And you, are you joining us?